October 5, 2024

Nutrition Role in Weight Loss

4 min read
Nutrition Role in Weight Loss

The purpose people lose weight is to get in shape and look good for a feel good factor. Many people opt for magical drinks and some skip meals. Some people hit the gyms or fitness centers to lose weight with guidance. After some point by trying different methods they do lose weight to a fair amount. But mostly after they go back to the normal routine the weight bounces back. It depends on your diet that you are following at that point that you may see the weight coming back. As per the best nutritionist in Mumbai, the ideal weight which a person can lose for a healthy weight loss is about 2 kgs a month which proper guidance. In some cases when you are losing weight you might be missing on the essential nutrients that you need. So it is better that you take up a nutritional plan so that in your weight loss process you are getting all your nutrients in right amounts and also losing weight alongside.

Why is it necessary?

It is very necessary for you to plan the kind of diet after you have lost weight to maintain the weight and prevent it from bouncing back. So even after you have attained your desired weight you need to continue to have a good workout and also a good diet. Your calorie intake would have been reduced or also you might have stopped junking on snacks which are unhealthy. People, who lose excess weight rapidly than they should be losing, fear of gaining the weight back. They feel weak as it normal to lose a lot of weight rapidly. Even after losing weight you need to make sure you feel good with lot more energy and be active. You need to make sure that all your vitamin and minerals are all in good range for you to avoid all health complications that might occur due to their deficiencies. Some people go overboard in losing weight where they refrain themselves from eating completely or skip many meals. Such people suffer from eating disorders such as anorexia where they feel like eating even a little bit will make them fat. This is a state of mind and such people become extremely weak and need extreme therapeutic care and a very good nutrition to get them back to the normal state of mind along with proper nutritional care. In such scenarios you need mental health stability first and then they need to be taken care in terms of nutrition. Their nutrition is that point is very critical and may take months to get them back to a fairly fine state. It might happen that all their nutritional levels are very low and by diet and supplementation we can get all their vitamins and minerals to a normal range in a period of time. This is one of the main reasons where people need to follow proper nutritional advice from an expert and educate them about how much they should be at in the BMI (body mass index) range to be on a healthier side than to be under an obese, overweight or underweight category. Even in case of normal weight loss it is always to approach a nutrition expert to guide you in right direction for your weight loss goals so that they can tell you what is the ideal weight for you and how can you go about it without any other health implications. The dietitian will keep in mind that all your macronutrients and micro nutrients are included in your diet, making a balanced diet. Indians have this myth, that 5–6 little dinners is a ton of eating in a day, however that isn’t accurate. Despite what might be expected, the measure of calories you burn-through in three significant dinners is a ton for the body to take when contrasted with five-six little suppers. Physical activity is equally important for you to maintain a good shape of your body. Physical activity can involve even the simplest of activity like walking for about an hour or doing yoga. Other than maintaining a good shape and being active physical activity also helps a lot in uplifting mood and increases productivity. You feel high on energy levels, have a great mood and make you feel confident. Also you need to keep in check with your hydration levels during workout as it helps in treating soreness. Also you need a rich carbohydrate meal before your workout and a good protein meal after your workout to repair the wear and tear of tissues that can happen during your workout. Obesity is the most predominant type of ailing health across the globe. In India, the pervasiveness of stoutness is 12.6% in ladies and 9.3% in men. This implies that in excess of a 100 million individuals are fat in India. While losing weight you may want to focus on losing the excess fat in your body and building on muscle percentage so that you have a strong and a healthy body.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand. So even after losing a certain amount of weight which is your goal, you need to continue to focus on your diet as well as exercise to get better results and also to maintain your weight that you have achieved. Make sure that you have everything in moderation and also make the right food choices. The best nutritionist in Delhi says to keep in check to consume foods that are low in fat. Instead you can make choices in good fats like nuts and seeds, ghee and also whole grains. Have lots of protein rich foods like dairy products, legumes and beans for your muscle growth and also to check on your blood reports to avoid any kind of deficiencies. Even if you have any deficiencies your dietitian will help you correct them with the help of a diet plan and also keep you healthy and strong.

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