October 28, 2024

Fixing [pii_email_90980572eec69a8fc634] error is easy

3 min read


When it comes to managing official emails, meetings, events, and calendars, no one is a better pick than Microsoft Outlook. It can be used to manage emails, meetings, appointments, and a variety of other tasks efficiently. 

However, Microsoft Outlook accounts may occasionally experience problems such as [pii email 90980572eec69a8fc634]. Most regular users of Microsoft Outlook know the error [pii email 90980572eec69a8fc634]. It is easy to manage this error if you have all the necessary information.

Why am I getting error [pii email 90980572eec69a8fc634]

If you are getting pii email 90980572eec69a8fc634 error it could be because of various reasons. We have listed the most common ones below –

  1. When users log into multiple accounts without clearing their caches and cookies, 90980572eec69a8fc634 error occurs.
  2. The error may occur if the most recent version of Microsoft Outlook has not been downloaded or updated.
  3. It can also happen if Microsoft Outlook is installed incorrectly.

How to fix pii email 90980572eec69a8fc634 error?

We have explained 4 ways to fix the Microsoft pii email 90980572eec69a8fc634 error issue. You can start with the first one and see if it works for you. 

Method 1: Update Microsoft Outlook

The old version of Outlook might be the reason for getting the error. So, here’s how you can fix it. 

  • Take the backup of the files, emails, and records. You can use ‘easy file transfer’
  • Update the application
  • Bring back the files from the backup if you do not see them on the updated application.

In case this method does not work, try the second method.

Method 2: Auto Servicing Tool

The tool automatically detects and resolves the issue that occurs in Microsoft Outlook.

  • To begin, go to your computer’s control panel and click on the tool function set up to gather all information about the software.
  • Select the Microsoft program for the repair in the Office 365 program.
  • Change the application’s button and consent, as well as the type of restoration that is needed.
  • Click on the restoration option and complete the steps outlined on the screen.
  • If the issue reappears, restart your Microsoft Outlook program.

Method 3: Cleaning caches & cookies

  • To begin, go to the Input tab and delete the cache and cookies from the Microsoft Outlook application.
  • If there are several accounts logged in, log out of all of them and log in to only one.
  • You have the option to turn off your laptop or computer. Create a Microsoft account and log in. 

If the error persists, you can go to the fourth technique to resolve it.

Method 4: Removing the third party email application

More than one email program can often be a disadvantage to the Microsoft Outlook operating system.

  • It occurs as a result of a clash between many email applications, causing issues.
  • The untrustworthy source or third-party program must be removed from the device.
  • After completing the above steps, restart your computer to see if the error is still present.

If you are unable to resolve the issues that are occurring, the best way to fix the errors is to contact Microsoft Outlook customer support.

Consent management refers to an organization’s protocols and processes for requesting and collecting user consent for their data and ensuring these varying levels of consent are adhered to throughout the data lifecycle.


Most errors in Microsoft Outlook are caused by problems and difficulties during the installation process. First, you should look for simple and practical approaches to solving problems that can be solved by one person. It is a series of simple steps that anyone can do. If the problem persists and is not solved, the best course of action is to contact Microsoft headquarters or hire a technician to investigate, identify and mitigate the problem, and provide the user with smooth software!

If you are looking for more troubleshooting articles check them out on this website. Share this with someone who is a regular user of Microsoft Outlook. Keep coming back to englishsakshi.com!

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